Araponga - MG
Fazenda Jardins das Oliveiras
A little piece of paradise, cradle of the source of the Rio do doce and Rio Paraíba of the south and headquarters of the State Park of Serra do Brigadeiro with an exuberant nature average altitude of 1,200m between peaks and mountains, is located the Fazenda Jardim das Oliveiras, in the municipality of Araponga in MG.
The history in coffee cultivation began a long time ago, daughter of coffee growers in the region and since childhood in coexistence with the routine of coffee production. Well girl remembers playing in the yard feeling the aroma of this grain. Coffee growing has always been the livelihood of the family of 12 children. The great challenge was when, the husband and two daughters decided to quit work, fixed salary and life in the city to return to their hometown, Araponga, and bet on quality and sustainable coffee growing, 9 years ago. At the beginning of the trajectory, they had to structure the whole process, build the accesses, plant each coffee plant, build the bin, washer, pulper while the house itself, had to live a time without light. Today they are already reaping the fruits of their commitment and dedication, with the dream that their daughters will continue with the production of coffee.
Simone and João da Silva Neto, small producers, with approximately 50,000 coffee plants, who seek quality so that the product in the cup pleases the most demanding consumers. As a reward for the effort and dedication, in the last 5 years, the product is among one of the best in Brazil in several contests. Coffee growing has taught that with perseverance and zeal they can produce a product of excellent quality.
The concern with quality begins in the choice of the place where the crop will be formed, from the selection of the selected seedlings and with the extreme care in management, selective harvesting, post-harvest processing and storage. They do not use pesticides in production because they are concerned with the environment, water sources, the health of workers and the health of the family that currently live on the property. The water from the scrubber is used for fertilization and irrigation of the crop; and for 9 years they have been preserving and recovering the springs of the property to increase water production.
Today the farm is certified by Certifica Minas number 1075/2015
Simone and João da Silva Neto
Fazenda Jardins das Oliveiras
Farm Facts
Address line 1
Address line 1
Address line 1
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (Semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow Bourbon,
Yellow and Red Icatu,
Yellow and Red Catuaí,
Catiguá, Acaiá,
Novo Mundo, and
Matas de Minas
An Excellent Quality Coffee
Marked by the predominance of family farmers, the Zona da Mata or Matas de Minas region proves that agriculture taken seriously can bring about great changes and improvements to a region. For a time, this area was seen as limited and incapable of producing high quality coffee