Campos Altos - MG
Boa Sorte
Antônio de Azevedo e Silva Júnior arrived in the Cerrado Mineiro Region in 1998 when he acquired the Boa Sorte Farm, located in the Municipality of Campos Altos. The formation of the crop was done by Antônio always with great care for the environment and focus on the production of specialty coffees. Soon after forming the crop, Antônio was careful to reforest with native trees around the water source, invested in water containments and level curves to prevent soil erosion. Gradually the improvements were being implemented in the farm: as a house, cement yards, washer, pulper, etc. In search of the maximum quality for his coffee, Antônio took the Q-Grader course and since then he has also invested in the roasting of his own coffee, putting his brand on the market. The producer states that it is a pride to be able to work on the quality from the planting of the crop to the correct roasting to extract all this quality. Fazenda Boa Sorte has environmental licensing, Rainforest and Certifica Minas.

Antonio de Azevedo e Silva Junior
Boa Sorte
Farm Facts
Três Pontas - MG
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow and Pink Bourbon
Yellow and Red Icatú
Yellow and Red Catuaí
Novo Mundo

Cerrado Mineiro
Guarantee of origin and quality

The Cerrado Mineiro Region is an origin of high quality coffee production, recognized in the world – the first “Denomination of Origin” in Brazil, located in the northwest of the state of Minas Gerais.
Having well-defined seasons – a hot, humid summer and a pleasantly dry winter – is a strong feature of the region. Coffee plantations are grown in areas with altitudes ranging between 800 and 1,300 meters, resulting in high quality coffees with a unique identity.
The coffees have “Guarantee of Origin and Quality” by the Region of Cerrado Mineiro – DO Regulatory Council. The official production process of the Denomination of Origin emphasizes and values the characteristics of our land. Only coffee grown within the officially delimited area and which followed the rules of the production process defined by our Regulatory Council, can have the Cerrado Mineiro Region – DO guaranteed by the Seal of Guaranteed Origin and Quality.