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Venha partilhar a nossa paixão pelo café num evento


A Special Touch of Flavour

The Chemex method, as well as the Hario V60 filter, is much loved among coffee lovers for its practicality and for being a method that provides a smooth drink with excellent appreciation.

Invented by Peter Schlumbohm in 1941, it is manufactured by the Chemex company in Massachusetts in the United States. The Chemex filter consists of an hourglass-shaped bottle , so that it tapers in the middle. Its thicker paper filter retains most of the coffee oils, resulting in a purer coffee extraction.


Recommended Coffees


20g coffee (medium-coarse grind)
400ml of hot filtered water (93ºC)
Obs. Use a ratio of 1g of coffee to 15g of water


Chemex Method (Jar)
Paper Filter for Chemex
Kettle with electric fine spout or for heating on the stove


The method for extracting in Chemex is very similar to that of Hario V60,

  1. Fold and fit your filter into the Chemex so that the three-leaf side of the filter faces the Chemex spout.

  2. Scald your filter to eliminate the papery taste of the filter and heat the container. Discard the water after this.

  3. Place 20g of medium-coarse ground coffee in the filter and gently shake to break up the powder.

  4. The water must be at a temperature of approximately 93ºC. If you don't have a thermometer, just boil and wait 1 to 2 minutes.

  5. Make a pre-infusion, gently adding around 50-60ml to moisten all the powder, wait for 30 to 40 seconds.

  6. Start your extraction by adding the rest of the water, in circular movements and subtly. Always try to add the same amount each time at 30 second intervals, avoiding pouring water directly into the filter.

  7. Before serving, lightly shake the bottle so that the coffee breathes and mixes.


Remember to scald your cup before serving, and then just enjoy a drink full of aroma and flavor!

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