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Jacarezinho - PR


Fazenda California is located in the Brazilian subtropical region, in the so-called Pioneer North of the State of Paraná. This region is characterized by being the border zone to the South of Brazil suitable for the development of coffee cultivation without the low temperatures of the winter period being impeding the activity.

The coexistence of volcanic soils of very high fertility, good distribution of rainfall throughout the year and the binomial established between its average altitude of 600 meters and its latitude of 23º 09's that result in a micro climate with an average annual temperature of 20ºC, with the presence of the four seasons of the year well defined and a great thermal amplitude, make this portion of blessed land an extraordinary environment for the development of lots of Coffea Arabica of the highest quality.

The implementation of a quality management system based on knowledge, technology and the adoption of strict standards of good harvest and post-harvest practices have over the last few years produced lots that industry experts have called true hidden treasures. Part of the Specialty Coffees Project of the Pioneer North of Paraná, Fazenda California joins the select group of suppliers of exotic specialty coffees, with peculiar characteristics and some yet to be discovered.

The social project called Children of Coffee, brought as a result the elimination, since 2007, of the school repetition of the children of the Farm, a factor of pride and motivation to the employees. Recognizing its transformative potential in the community, California Farm frequently welcomes visitors to learn about its history, technology, and production system.


Paulo Cesar Saldanha Rodrigues


Farm Facts


Três Pontas - MG



380 ha

210 ha (with coffee)

9,500 bags of coffee per year



Minimum: 950 m

Maximum: 1,180 m

Average: 1,065 m



Demucilaged (semi-washed)


Pulped Natural Sun Dry

Natural Sun Dry

Pulped Natural



Yellow and Pink Bourbon

Yellow and Red Icatú


Yellow and Red Catuaí



Novo Mundo


Northern Paraná

Blessed land and an extraordinary environment

This region has ideal climatic conditions for the production of fine coffees, with average annual temperatures between 19 and 22° C, resulting from the combination of altitude (from 500 to 900 m) and latitude (23 and 24° S). This provides a longer period between flowering and the physiological maturation of the beans, allowing a more intense fixation of the attributes and providing excellent characterization of the beverage. There is also the fact that rainfall allows cultivation without irrigation, or with complementary irrigation, unlike other regions where irrigation is mandatory.

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