Tres Pontas - MG
Caxambu e and Aracaçu
Today as the third generation in the process of managing the farms, Carmen Lucia and her family affirm that each coffee bean carries with it the history of the places and hands through which it passed. It all started more than a hundred years ago, when his grandparents began to write the history of the family in the Caxambu and Aracaçú Farms. Located in the south of Minas Gerais, among the winding mountains that paint the landscapes of the municipality of Três Pontas. A region that has recorded in history the thriving agricultural culture with its charms and riches.
The Caxambu Farm has its name based on the African ancestry that inhabited Brazil from a very early age, it means "music box", referring to the African drums widely used at the time by the local tribes, as a form of communication between them. It is a brand that they bring to this day, in the production of African Coffees with Honey, produced as the "treading of the grapes" with the coffee cherries in the wooden barrel, to the sound of African drums.
With its 211 hectares, 120 of them in coffee plantations, more than 60 of legal reserve and areas of permanent preservation. With an altitude between 1,150 and 930 meters, the crops are like an immense green carpet covering the typical mountains of Minas Gerais, offering the world the most desired and sought after coffees, with their unique and unforgettable sensory nuances.
The Aracaçú Farm bears in its name the indigenous memories, which to this day leave their traces in our lands, means "big tree that connects heaven and earth". A connection that transcends the operational sphere and puts us at all times connected with a spiritual dimension that has never ceased to be a path of strengthening our work. With a total of 170 hectares, it has 115 of these in coffee plantations and 45 hectares of reserve and permanent preservation areas. A true nursery of springs that are preserved with respect and responsibility of those who know the principles of nature and have deep gratitude for having in their hands such sacred lands.
The two farms together form a complex of 380 hectares of land. A green mantle that produces 9,500 bags of coffee annually that meet the demand of the most demanding markets and consumers in the world to be worked with refinement and commitment.
Sustainability: The Caxambu and Aracaçú Farms have their focus on the present moment, sustained by historical events and looking to the future.
Continuous Improvement: Quality is the principle that drives the processes. To maintain and intensify the quality of the final product, an experimental field was developed, today with 93 varieties of coffee planted, coming from renowned Brazilian institutions of development and research in genetic improvement in coffee, in the production of differentiated coffees.
Environment: Caring for the environment is an intrinsic condition "... we are born, we grow and we develop from and with it." Environmental projects are like life projects of maintaining for another hundred years the farms, native forests and endless forests that are home to hundreds of thousands of birds, animals and vegetation.
Quality and Sustainability Projects: They support important projects in the social, environmental and sports fields with the local community. The quality of life of all team members, good practices and commitment to all procedures that guarantees the final result of our product.

Carmen Lucia Chaves Brito
Caxambu e and Aracaçu
Farm Facts
Três Pontas - MG
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow and Pink Bourbon
Yellow and Red Icatú
Yellow and Red Catuaí
Novo Mundo

Sul de Minas Gerais
It is the biggest coffee producer in the world!

Sul de Minas is the largest arabica coffee producing region in Brazil. It has altitudes between 850m and 1,250m and average annual temperature between 22 and 24°C. Interestingly, this region is the largest coffee producer in the world! Its high altitude and annual average temperature facilitate the production of full-bodied coffees, with slightly acidic citric flavors and fruity aromas.