Tomazine - PR
Fazenda Natureza, located in the municipality of Tomazina, Norte Pioneiro do Paraná, has been producing coffee since 1972, with environmental responsibility and working for the certification of production processes. The privileged location, combined with the climate, soil, altitude (from 760 to 800m) and geographical position give ideal conditions for the production of quality coffees. All this together with appropriate cultural treatments and care in harvesting and drying, result in beans that have been awarded in several quality contests since the year 2004, being more relevant the 1st Place in the Coffee Quality Contest Paraná 2007.
The grandparents of the owner and producer, Mr. Ronieri Mazetto, arrived in Brazil from Italy in the 30's and planted coffee at the encouragement of the Brazilian government. He says that his father had been raised to deforest areas that would be used for planting, and that today, there is a whole project to rebuild native forest near the regions of crops and springs.
"A good part of getting good coffee is the location: the altitude, the soil, the weather conditions... But you also have to have good management of the grain and the crop."

Ronieri Mazetto
Farm Facts
Três Pontas - MG
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow and Pink Bourbon
Yellow and Red Icatú
Yellow and Red Catuaí
Novo Mundo

Norte Pioneiro do Paraná
Good grain and plantation management

This region has ideal climatic conditions for the production of fine coffees, with average annual temperatures between 19 and 22° C, resulting from the combination of altitude (from 500 to 900 m) and latitude (23 and 24° S). This provides a longer period between flowering and the physiological maturation of the beans, allowing a more intense fixation of the attributes and providing excellent characterization of the beverage. There is also the fact that rainfall allows cultivation without irrigation, or with complementary irrigation, unlike other regions where irrigation is mandatory.