São Sebastião da Grama - SP
Recreation Farm
The Fazenda Recreio, at 1,100m of altitude in São Sebastião da Grama-SP, Mogiana region belongs to the same family since 1890, when Dª settled there. Ignez Bernardina da Silva Dias, a young widow with 4 children, who already in 1891 began planting coffee on the newly acquired land. In 1893 it harvested its 1st crop.
In the year 2006, the farm was acquired by Homero Teixeira de Macedo Jr., married to Maria. The couple also has the collaboration of their son Diogo Dias Teixeira de Macedo, also an agronomist, who since the year 2000 had already been working with his grandfather.
The continuity of management brought positive results already in 2008 and the new owner Homero Teixeira de Macedo Junior, some important improvements to the process, such as the investment in the modern and ecological system of preparation of coffee via wet, new criteria for separation and drying of natural and cherry coffees, new suspended bins that allow to store individually each lot, as well as the concern with quality in all phases of the process through the identification and tracking of batches, from the application phase of the inputs to the final storage after the benefit. As a member of the Association of Coffee Growers of Vale da Grama, he received awards such as the Best Coffee of the 7th Specialty Coffee Contest of the State of São Paulo, Champion of the 5th National Specialty Coffee Contest of ABIC and vice champion in the 9th Specialty Coffee Contest of the Brasil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA).
In 2016, in the preparation category "Pulped and Pulped Cherry", Homero Teixeira de Macedo, took 89.7 points, second place in the general listing, by ABIC 15th Coffee Quality Contest.
With an exuberant flora and fauna, 120 hectares destined to environmental preservation, with planting of native trees. The concern with the environment is permanent and the numerous springs and streams are being preserved and recovered, classes and awareness attitudes are part of the daily life of employees and their families. Member of BSCA, and with the Certification received from UTZ Certified and Rainforest, and guarantees and proves the approval to the economic, social and environmental criteria practiced at Fazenda Recreio for the responsible production of coffee of international level.
Homero and Diogo Teixeira de Macedo
Recreation Farm
Farm Facts
Address line 1
Address line 1
Address line 1
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (Semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow Bourbon,
Yellow and Red Icatu,
Yellow and Red Catuaí,
Catiguá, Acaiá,
Novo Mundo, and
São Paulo
Guarantee of origin and quality
The name “Alta Mogiana” came about at the time of the railroads. The line that went to the site departed from the city of Campinas, and the classification was made based on the distance in Baixa, Medio and Alta Mogiana. Over time, new branches were created, which helped transport production, which helped in the development of the region as a whole.