Piatã - BA
São Judas Tadeu
The coffees of the São Judas Tadeu Farm, are considered one of the best in Brazil, due to the region where it is produced, altitude, rainfall index, favorable climate but above all for the dedication and love for coffee.
Located in the Chapada Diamantina, in the city of Piatã (BA), and owned by Mr. Antônio Rigno coffee producer for more than 29 years, the geographical region is quite privileged and differentiated, where the temperature varies from 2ºC to 18ºC in winter, presenting very favorable conditions for the production of high quality coffee beans. Mr. Antônio seeks to grow coffee in a sustainable way: he technically guides employees in the use of chemical pesticides and in the correct destination of the packaging of these products, so as not to harm the environment, trees areas around the farm and stimulates the generation of employment and income for local families.
The harvest is done manually, and most of the workers are women, the so-called "coffee makers". The cherries are selectively harvested, in bowls, twice a day, and taken to the pulping machine. The drying takes place in a yard, the grains are spread in layers of about four centimeters and stirred several times a day. The dry coffee is separated into numbered batches, which go to warehouses with recommended environmental conditions for coffee storage.
There is great care to produce quality coffee at Fazenda São Judas Tadeu, from the proper preparation of the land, production and planting of seedlings, to processing.
Winner of several quality contests such as: Bahia Coffee Quality Contest, ABIC National Quality Contest, BSCA contest considered the largest coffee contest in the world.
The recognition of Quality, today, is a reality.

Antonio Rigno
São Judas Tadeu
Farm Facts
Três Pontas - MG
380 ha
210 ha (with coffee)
9,500 bags of coffee per year
Minimum: 950 m
Maximum: 1,180 m
Average: 1,065 m
Demucilaged (semi-washed)
Pulped Natural Sun Dry
Natural Sun Dry
Pulped Natural
Yellow and Pink Bourbon
Yellow and Red Icatú
Yellow and Red Catuaí
Novo Mundo

Bahia - Chapada Diamantina
Quality Recognition

There are three consolidated coffee producing regions in Bahia: Planalto, the most traditional producer of Arabica coffee; the Western Region, also a producer of Arabica coffee, being a Cerrado region with irrigation and the Litorânea, with predominant plantations of Robusta coffee (Conilon).