among the best
Plateau and Cerrado Region
There are three consolidated coffee producing regions in Bahia: Planalto, the most traditional producer of Arabica coffee; the Western Region, also a producer of Arabica coffee, being a Cerrado region with irrigation and the Litorânea, with predominant plantations of Robusta coffee ( Coffea Conilon ).
The coffee produced in the Cerrado and Planalto Region of Bahia is recognized for its pleasant flavor, with good fragrance and a slightly fruity and floral aroma, with excellent sweetness and good acidity. This is produced under conditions of average temperatures that vary between 22 and 26 ºC, with no risk of frost or interruptions in the development of the coffee plantation during the year due to the little variation in temperature. The average rainfall of about 1,600 mm is distributed between the months of October and April.
In the dry period, the compensation occurs through irrigation, which has a great availability of underground or surface water, from one of the largest aquifers in Brazil, the Urucuia. This dry period generates a great contribution to the harvest and post-harvest operations, as there is no rain.
With light of approximately 3,000 hours a year and average altitudes of 800 to 1,100 meters, these are favorable conditions for the good development of Arabica coffee.
Most cultivated coffee varieties: 95% is Catuaí, Caturra and Bourbon
While most of the Brazilian states begin harvesting between May and June, producers in the Atlantic region of Bahia who plant Robusta coffee begin harvesting coffee in early February. This is because this is a region close to the equator and its plantations receive a lot of rain and have a hot climate. This speeds up the harvest in the region and allows the producer to sell his production before most Brazilian producers.
Another striking feature of Robusta coffee is the large difference in production costs when comparing Arabica. While the former requires more care, Robusta is more resistant to climate change and is less dependent on the use of pesticides. It is a species that is widely accepted in the market due to its lower prices and higher amount of soluble solids, therefore, it is widely used as an ingredient and main raw material in most soluble coffee industries.
Most cultivated coffee varieties: Conillon Clonal

Attributes and Characteristics of Coffee
Unrivaled flavor of aromatic coffees
positive citric acidity
intense and accentuated floral and fruit aroma from the cerrado
high, dense, velvety and round body
accentuated sweetness, chocolatey and dried fruit flavor
elongated and consistent aftertaste